
Registration is open now through August 1, 2023


The best kind of race ever!

A virtual race is an event that you can do anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.  Walk, run, bike, swim, summersaults (or mix it up and combine several activities) – whatever you like!  It all counts, and it is all done on the honor system.  You can track your distance using several different apps such as MapMyWalk or Fitbit, or you can write it down in a notebook.  Depending on the distance you choose, you might be able to finish it in a day or maybe you need all summer or until the end of the year.  Just keep a log of your distance(s) and when you have reached your total distance goal, email us and we will put your 2023 Lake Hiddenwood medal in the mail!  It’s that easy!

With your entry fee, you not only help support the rebuilding of Lake Hiddenwood, you also start on your path to a healthier lifestyle, AND you get an awesome medal to celebrate your achievement!

So choose your distance, get moving, and make a difference!

Registration Form can be obtained by emailing Lisa Von Wald and Kim Hannan at milesforhiddenwood@gmail.com

Net proceeds stay with Lake Hiddenwood Foundation Inc for continued park improvements.